Amazon Publishing: Where Innovation Meets Literature

Amazon Publishing is the publishing arm of the tech giant Established in 2009, it operates as a traditional publishing house, releasing books across various genres and formats. Amazon Publishing offers opportunities to both established and emerging authors. They have imprints specializing in different genres, such as mystery, romance, science fiction, and non-fiction, providing authors with access to Amazon’s vast distribution network, including Kindle and physical bookstores. It has gained recognition for its innovative approach to publishing, embracing digital publishing trends and experimental projects like Kindle Scout for reader-powered book selection.

We Love to write and Teach Spirituality

At Pink Terrier, our hearts beat for spirituality and the pursuit of higher truths. We’re here to empower your writing and publishing journey, specializing in spirituality and seeking literature.



Self-publishing empowers authors to share their unique stories with the world, and Pink Terrier is here to support your literary dreams. We provide guidance, design, and distribution expertise to help you bring your book to life and reach a global audience.

Joan Van der Lugt, a devoted mother, is a spiritual seeker with Dutch heritage. Beyond her soulful journey, she's also a gifted singer, blending her roots and passions. #READTOTRANSFORM

Joan Vanderlugt
